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Co-teaching session:"A robbery in Mayfair"

In this section of the web, you will find a session (planning and materials included) designed by two practicum students. One is Àgata Gasulla i Ferrer and the other one is me, Mireia Artero Medina.


Student's grade is 4th grade and teaching areas are English and Education values. 


This session is aimed to review the numbers until 9999 while at the same time engaging the pupils to actively seek for and decode the clues of a grand robbery, reflecting then about the reasons why the burglars did it.


The driving question is: "How is an investigation conducted?" and the final product is the resolution of the case and a posterior discussion on the reasons that led the burglars to commit the crime.


Students level of English is A1. There is a wide variety of levels in both classes although all the students are below A1 level. With regards to numbers, both classes have worked on numbers from 0 to 100 before, but some students get easily confused and are not able neither say and/or write some numbers in English.

With regards to the language, students are able to have a basic conversation with familiar topics, such as the weather, their feelings, presenting themselves and so on. They understand basic language expressions and commands.


Hereunder, you will find the learning objectives and the assessment criteria of the session.


​To review the numbers from 0 to 99.

To learn the numbers from 100 to 9999.

To use English as a means to obtain information.


Students write numbers from 0 to 99 correctly.

Students say numbers from 0 to 99 correctly.

Students react correctly when they hear numbers from 0 to 99. 

Students write in the correct way numbers from 100 to 9999.

Students say in the correct way numbers from 100 to 9999.

Students react correctly when they hear numbers from 100 to 9999. 

First level: Students use the scaffolding provided correctly, so as to solve the mysteries they have.

Second level: Students do not need the scaffolding provided because they are able to use the language structures without it.

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