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The tables that explain the teaching unit are divided in different parts. 

First of all, you can find the objectives, the competences and the contents of each session.

Secondly, you will find the organitzation of the class with the explanation of what you have to do in each moment.

Then, you will find all the materials you need for the session and what you assess in the class.

Finally, you will find the adaptations I have made for those students who fins it more difficult, some of the problems the session can have and finally the scaffolding is given in the session. 

Organitzation of the teaching unit tables

Brief explanation of session 4

This session is a 2-hour session in which children go to the lab and apply all the knowledge that have been acquiring during the teaching unit. 

Before going to the lab, they have to start doing the lab report (sample, hypotheses...). Then,  they go to the lab and use the microscope to analyse a sample and determine whether it is an animal cell or a plant cell. 

After going to the lab the groups have to finish the lab report with the help of the scaffolding provided, the lab report they have as example and dictionaries...

The tables that explain the teaching unit are divided in different parts. 

First of all, you will find the objectives, the competences and the contents of each session.

Secondly, you will find the organitzation of the class with the explanation of what you have to do in each moment.

Then, you will find all the materials you need for the session and what you are assessing in the session.

Finally, you will find the adaptations I have made for those students who find it more difficult, some of the problems the session can have and finally the scaffolding that is given in each session. 

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